CDN Setup and Media Offload Order Information

CDN Setup and Media Offload Order Information

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Because you bought CDN Setup and Media Offload, we STRONGLY SUGGEST you also get:

Setup Amazon AWS Free Tier Account

We will register and verify an AWS account exclusively for you, using your own email.

AWS is a cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services and resources that bloggers and website owners need. It provides a vast array of services, the most important for bloggers being:

  • Amazon SES (Simple Email Service): A scalable and cost-effective email platform for sending and receiving emails.
  • Amazon CDN Cloudfront: A content delivery network (CDN) that accelerates the delivery of website content to users globally.
  • Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): A scalable storage service for storing and retrieving any amount of data from anywhere.

For Details, CLICK HERE