{"id":4077,"date":"2021-08-20T23:26:53","date_gmt":"2021-08-20T22:26:53","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/imarena.net\/?page_id=4077"},"modified":"2022-08-20T20:08:20","modified_gmt":"2022-08-20T19:08:20","slug":"introduction-web-traffic","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/imarena.net\/training\/web-traffic-demystified\/introduction-web-traffic\/","title":{"rendered":"Lesson 1: Introduction to Web Traffic"},"content":{"rendered":"

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Introduction To Web Traffic<\/strong><\/p>\n

> The Web Traffic Problem<\/a><\/p>\n

> How To Increase Site Traffic<\/a><\/p>\n

> Paid Website Traffic Sources<\/a><\/p>\n

> Free Traffic Methods<\/a><\/p>\n

> How To Get Free Traffic<\/a><\/p>\n

> Organic SEO Traffic<\/a><\/p>\n

> Website Traffic Metrics<\/a><\/p>\n

> Web Traffic Tools<\/a><\/p>\n

> Website Traffic Case Studies<\/a><\/p>\n

> Web Traffic Quiz<\/a>[\/vc_toggle][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”cs-1″ el_id=”training-sidebar”][\/vc_column][vc_column width=”3\/4″][vc_column_text]<\/p>\n

Introduction to Web Traffic<\/span><\/span><\/h1>\n

[\/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” border_width=”2″ el_width=”10″ accent_color=”#7719aa” el_id=”border”][vc_column_text]This is an introductory lesson on web traffic. By signing up for this course, you already understand that web traffic is the make or mar element of any online business. Even so, we will still take you through this introductory course to cover the basic things you should know about web traffic.<\/p>\n

We advise you read through it even if you already know what web traffic is.<\/p>\n

Web Traffic Definition<\/span><\/h2>\n

Website traffic is the number of people who visit a website.<\/span> The number of people who visit a website largely depends on the website’s purpose, visitors’ goals, and how they found it.<\/span><\/p>\n

Evolution Of Web Traffic<\/h2>\n

Each year brings new technology to the forefront.<\/span>\u00a0This holds true for how people access the Internet.<\/span><\/p>\n

The desktop computer was the most popular way that people accessed the Internet in years past.<\/span>\u00a0Although desktop access remains very popular, it is not the primary device people use to access the web.<\/span><\/p>\n

Mobile traffic has increased dramatically over the past decade. With smartphones and tablets becoming more popular, the number of people who use mobile devices to access the internet is on the rise.<\/span><\/p>\n



It appears that\u00a0at most 50%<\/a>\u00a0of all web traffic comes now from mobile devices.<\/span>\u00a0An iPad is more convenient than a desktop for many people.<\/span><\/p>\n

Mobile traffic refers to visits from a mobile device, where desktop traffic refers to <\/span>visits from a laptop or desktop computer.<\/span><\/p>\n

Small business owners or larger businesses need to be able to adapt to ensure that your website displays properly on all devices.<\/p>\n

Basic Important Web Traffic Metrics<\/h2>\n

\u00a01. Page Views:<\/h3>\n

This refers to the total number of views your website got. However, it doesn’t break down the channel the views came from. The page views metric is simply the totality of every visit to your website from anywhere at all.<\/p>\n

2. Traffic Sources<\/span><\/h3>\n



These tell you where your traffic is coming from e.g. if it is coming from organic search, social, direct, referral, etc.<\/span><\/p>\n

You can locate this in <\/span>Google Analytics using the <\/span>Path:<\/span> Google Analytics > Acquisition > All traffic > Channels<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n

This will give you deeper insight into which channel is driving the most traffic so that you know how to work on it.<\/span>\u00a0If the majority of your visitors come through organic search, it means you probably have a good SEO strategy. However, if there are fewer visitors from social media channels, your social media strategy might need to be improved.<\/span><\/p>\n

3.\u00a0 New vs Returning Visitors<\/h3>\n

The New vs.<\/span>\u00a0The Returning Visitors report is a way to identify returning and new users on your site.<\/span>\u00a0This report is useful for understanding the potential number of people who might be returning to your site.<\/span><\/p>\n

The report tracks the ClientID of each user who visits your site.<\/span>\u00a0It assigns a random number to the browser and device that the user uses when they visit your website.<\/span>\u00a0 You can access the New vs Returning visitors metric in Google Analytics through the Path:<\/span> Google Analytics > Audience> Behavior> New vs.<\/span>\u00a0Returning<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n


This metric can be very useful.<\/span> If you don’t get a lot of returning visitors, you will need to work on your content strategy.<\/span>\u00a0Good content is what brings people back.<\/span>\u00a0It is a good goal to have 25-50 percent of your visitors return.<\/span><\/p>\n

4. Bounce Rate<\/h3>\n


The bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who leave your site within a short time after visiting it.<\/span> These are the visitors who arrive at a site but then leave quickly.<\/span><\/p>\n

Visitors who spend less time on your website and engage less with it have less chance of conversion.<\/span>\u00a0A high bounce rate is bad for SEO. So this is a metric to look out for in web analytics. <\/span><\/p>\n

To access this metric in Google Analytics follow the path: Google Analytics > Audience > Behavior > Session Quality.\u00a0<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n

5. Average Time On Site<\/h3>\n


While the Bounce rate indicates areas where you are failing to engage visitors on your site, the Average Time On Site metric is a measure of how well you are engaging them throughout the site.<\/span>\u00a0It can identify problems such as poor navigation, poor content, or a lack thereof.<\/span><\/p>\n

Keep in mind that mobile users behave differently to desktop visitors than on their smartphones.<\/span>\u00a0It is more common for them to spend longer browsing websites from their phones than from their desktops or laptops.<\/span><\/p>\n

You can access this metric via Path: <\/span>Google Analytics > Behavior> Site Content> All Pages<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n

Types of Web Traffic<\/h2>\n

Understanding how visitors arrive at your site from different sources will help you to understand your website performance better. Here are the<\/p>\n

1. Organic Traffic<\/span><\/h3>\n

This is the number of visitors who visit a website after performing a Google search or any other search engine and clicking on your post or page.<\/span><\/p>\n

Getting this kind of traffic requires that you know SEO. And optimizing your site for SEO requires a significant investment in time and resources.<\/span><\/p>\n

2.\u00a0 <\/span>\u00a0Direct Traffic<\/span><\/h3>\n

Direct traffic involves traffic from the following sources:<\/p>\n