{"id":4087,"date":"2021-08-21T00:10:39","date_gmt":"2021-08-20T23:10:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/imarena.net\/?page_id=4087"},"modified":"2022-08-20T12:43:14","modified_gmt":"2022-08-20T11:43:14","slug":"web-traffic-problem","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/imarena.net\/training\/web-traffic-demystified\/web-traffic-problem\/","title":{"rendered":"Lesson 2 – The Web Traffic Problem And How To Get it Right"},"content":{"rendered":"

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> Introduction To Web Traffic<\/a><\/p>\n

The Web Traffic Problem<\/strong><\/p>\n

> How To Increase Site Traffic<\/a><\/p>\n

> Paid Website Traffic Sources<\/a><\/p>\n

> Free Traffic Methods<\/a><\/p>\n

> How To Get Free Traffic<\/a><\/p>\n

> Organic SEO Traffic<\/a><\/p>\n

> Website Traffic Metrics<\/a><\/p>\n

> Web Traffic Tools<\/a><\/p>\n

> Website Traffic Case Studies<\/a><\/p>\n

> Web Traffic Quiz<\/a>[\/vc_toggle][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”cs-1″ el_id=”training-sidebar”][\/vc_column][vc_column width=”3\/4″][vc_column_text]<\/p>\n

The Web Traffic Problem<\/span><\/span><\/h1>\n

[\/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_left” border_width=”2″ el_width=”10″ accent_color=”#7719aa” el_id=”border”][vc_column_text]Web traffic problems can be frustrating. If your online strategy is not well thought out and implemented properly, your website may suddenly experience a drop in website traffic. This is all so common and is very frustrating, especially when you have invested a lot of resources.<\/p>\n

Not everyone who lands on your website automatically becomes a paying client. While some are there for genuine business purposes, others may have come for research or to educate themselves or other things. Also, there are some who may want to size your knowledge in order to decide if you are the one they should be dealing with.<\/p>\n

But ultimately, there is what we call conversion rate. This is the number of website visitors that become paying clients (or who ultimately take the action you desire from your website visitors).<\/p>\n

In the digital marketing industry, a 2-5% conversion rate is seen as appropriate. Depending on the type of online business your website is engaged in. If you are able to convert 2% to 5% of your visitors, it’s a good score.<\/p>\n

So for every 100 visitors that land on your website, you should aim to convert 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 of them and you are good to go. That depends on the business model of your website though. Anything less than this is not appropriate.<\/p>\n

But also, you should realise that there are thousands of websites that get zero conversions all the time. Many factors lead to their traffic problems, but the number one factor that leads to less or zero conversion rate is the number of website visitors.<\/p>\n

So for you to stand a chance, first things first – you need website visitors. The more the better. If you can convert 5 out of 100, it goes to show that if you get 1000 visitors, you will likely convert 50 of them. This is a wonderful result.<\/p>\n

It becomes very frustrating if after putting in all the effort you start experiencing a drastic drop in traffic. The bad news is that if not handled properly, the downward trend continues until you get to zero.<\/p>\n

I will walk you through the reasons why websites lose traffic and what you can do to avoid it. But if it has already happened, then I will also touch on how to fix it.<\/p>\n

Lots of so-called digital marketing ‘gurus’, experts and what have you, flood the internet with all manner of wrong, outdated and deceitful information which they claim is what you need to do in order to get website traffic.<\/p>\n

You may have seen them and tried out many of their tactics, but found out they don’t work. In fact, some may even have contributed to your website being penalized by Google and other search engines. We have seen a handful of them previously.<\/p>\n

I know how it feels and realise it’s not your fault. You are a genuine but naive online business person that is trying your best within your resources to see how you can grow your online business to an enviable height.<\/p>\n

Your lack of correct information is the problem. You must have been doing the wrong stuff and of course, getting the wrong results. And until you switch to doing the right things, you will keep getting bad results.<\/p>\n

But then, all hope is not lost. I am here for you. I promise that by the time you conclude and implement things you learnt from this course, you will be drawing the type of website traffic you need to grow your online business.<\/p>\n

Reasons Why Your Website Traffic Is Dropping & Solutions To Fix It<\/h2>\n

There are different reasons why the number of visitors to your website suddenly drops.<\/p>\n

1. Search Engine Algorithm Updates<\/strong><\/h3>\n

This has to be the number one reason for dropping website visitors. This happens when search engines like Google release an algorithm update to checkmate a known backdoor that internet marketers use to trick the system.<\/p>\n

It’s a cat and mouse game – the marketers device a means to trick the system, Google sees it and updates their system to block such tricks. By so doing, any advantage your website got from the trick is wiped out and your website ranking drops.<\/p>\n

\u00a0– The Solution<\/strong><\/h4>\n

1. Avoid any black hat methods to gain traffic. Stick with the clean white hat method and you will be fine going forward.<\/p>\n

To keep an eye on when Google releases an algorithm update, you should follow their update channel on Twitter<\/a>.
\nAlso, you can use a free algorithm tracking tool,

To take it a step further and achieve more than just monitoring algorithm updates, you can also make use of tools like: Sensor from SEMrush or Mozcast \u2013 from Moz<\/p>\n

2.\u00a0 Incorrect Robots.txt Rules<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Bizarrely, some webmasters out of some unknown reasons don’t know the importance of robots.txt. It may just be that they blocked search engines from crawling the website, hence the drop in traffic.<\/p>\n

To be sure this is not your case, you need to check your website robots.txt and see if it’s blocking search engines. If it is, all you need to correct that is to re-enable the crawling.<\/p>\n

3. Crawl errors<\/strong><\/h3>\n

It’s essential to go through the search console and take a look at the Index Coverage Report, then check for possible URLs with errors. Note that URLs with errors won’t be included in the index, hence traffic that used to come from them will seize.<\/p>\n

Here are some basic errors that are common in the Index Coverage report:<\/p>\n